Podcast Episode 131: Pragya Paradh: Treating the Cause of Human Suffering with Biophotons

Do you strive to find the root causes of mental and physical issues? Ayurveda suggests that by focusing on the gap between consciousness and physiology we can bring awareness to the root cause, helping to heal ourselves and prevent illness. Research shows that biophotons may be the mechanism we can use to tap into our body’s self-healing power. The post Podcast Episode 131: Pragya Paradh: Treating the Cause of Human Suffering with Biophotons appeared first on John Douillard's LifeSpa.

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Ayurveda Meets Modern Science is hosted by Dr. John Douillard, DC, CAP, founder of LifeSpa and author of seven health books (including bestselling Eat Wheat and The 3-Season Diet), seven online courses (including Yoga Journal courses Ayurveda 101 and 201), and numerous free eBooks.