#6: Answering Uncomfortable Questions With My Best Friend

Today, I talk to my best friend from college, Vithi Peters. We talk about how to make friends in college, red flags in friendships, and if Vithi secretly hates me. Enjoy!Computer science students, new graduates, and bootcamp graduates…want to land your dream software engineering job/internship? Click here 👉 https://www.amanmanazir.com/coaching/ 🧠 Get my free LeetCode Roadmap - https://www.amanmanazir.com/leetcode I’m Aman Manazir, a career coach and software engineer. I interned at companies like Amazon, Shopify, and HP in college, and the day I graduated I landed a $168,000/year* full-time software engineering job. I help you make it as a computer science student and land your dream job. If you’re a dedicated programmer who wants to land your dream internship or job in 2025 without spamming LeetCode, spending hours at career fairs, or applying to thousands of positions, join the Software Engineering Accelerator and work directly with me. Click this link to book a call: https://www.amanmanazir.com/coaching 📄 Get my free resume template - https://www.amanmanazir.com/resume 💌 Free weekly productivity insights/advice - https://amanmanazir.com/newsletter 📕 Get all my free Notion templates discussed here - https://www.amanmanazir.com/notion 📝 Sign up for Notion - https://affiliate.notion.so/2nh3pjr6l5l6 📷 Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/amanmanazir/ 🐦 Twitter - https://twitter.com/amanmanazir   00:00 - Introduction 00:26 - Our First Time Meeting 01:56 - The Second Time Meeting 05:00 - Why Vithi Hated Aman 08:14 - The Difference Between A Discussion And An Argument 09:02 - The Heated Dinner Party Argument 10:46 - What Changed In Our Friendship 12:05 - Q1: How Do You Approach New People Without Coming Off Weird 22:38 - The Software Engineering Accelerator 23:08 - Q2: How Easy Is It To Make Friends At The Workplace? 33:45 - Q3: How Many Friends Are Optimal? 36:46 - Q4: Do You Feel Like You Fall Out Of Friendships? 38:14 - Q5: When Can You Be Vulnerable With Someone? 41:38 - Sign Up For Thoughtful Thursday 41:55 - Q6: How Do You Make Friends Without Drinking? 52:07 - Q7: What Did You Learn From The Friendships That Ended? 58:54 - Q8: How Do You Choose The Friends In Your Close Circle? 1:09:38 - Q9: How Do You Know The Friend Group You’re In Is The One You Want To Stay In? 1:16:40 - Q10: How Do Friendships Change As You Get Older? 1:19:18 - Conclusion *location-adjusted  

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Aman Manazir is a software engineer who's worked at companies like Amazon and Shopify. In this podcast, he interviews successful engineers to break down strategies and tools they used to land their dream jobs. In addition, Aman focuses on helping listeners improve their lives through topics in entrepreneurship, self-improvement, and technology.