#126 What if My Chronic Illness Never Goes Away?

You are not alone my friend. I know sometimes it feels like you are struggling silently with an invisible illness that only you can see. I know it can look like you are flaky or unreliable but really you are just sick. I know your future feels uncertain. You feel like you aren't of any use.... I know. I've been there, heck, I am there. Chronic Illness, pain, or mental health struggles sometimes feel like that. But I promise, you aren't alone. I created this episode so you know I get...

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Hi! I'm EmyLee McIntyre... LDS life coach and mom to 4 beautiful kids. In this podcast I will share the tools to mastering your mood and creating an incredible life you love. Depression, hormones and even anxiety don't have to slow you down or stop you from loving motherhood. Stay tuned as I share the secret to confidence, self fulfillment and successful relationships. And guess what, your mood is at the center of it all. Hang on... it's about to get fun up in here!