#119 The 7 Secrets to Creating a life That Supports Your Mood: Blue Zone Living

The work we do here is to help you create a the mood that helps you lead a happy life. We learn tools to manage our mood around challenging circumstances and improve our situational depression. However, this does not mean we use our mood to lead an exhausting and busy life that takes more than it gives.Your mood is not a Dr. Pepper. It's not there to help you keep moving. Its there to signal what you actually need. Our life should support our mental health, not the other way around. Listen in as I teach you the 7 secrets to living a life that supports your mood. interested in SHIFT? Want a free call with EMYLEE? Grab a spot for a free call hereFind more information and Free resources HERE: https://hernextstep.limitlessfemalecoaching.com/landing-page-her-next-stepHave a question about the program or something you want answered on the podcast? Come chat with me on instagram!@Limitlessfemale

Om Podcasten

Hi! I'm EmyLee McIntyre... LDS life coach and mom to 4 beautiful kids. In this podcast I will share the tools to mastering your mood and creating an incredible life you love. Depression, hormones and even anxiety don't have to slow you down or stop you from loving motherhood. Stay tuned as I share the secret to confidence, self fulfillment and successful relationships. And guess what, your mood is at the center of it all. Hang on... it's about to get fun up in here!