Episode 155: Line Cook Nation Takes On Imposter Syndrome (Part 2)

On this episode we continue with the Line Cook Nation Takes On Imposter Syndrome Series! A huge thank you to Samantha Pelayo (IG: @samanthapelayofoodblog), John Grabowski II, Michael Dimmer (Twitter Handle: @marbleandrye), Fritte (Twitter Handle: @Frittte1), Ian Phillip (IG: @chef_ian_israelsen) and Marissa Otto (IG: @rissotto22).  Please leave a review if you are listening on Apple! To check out official Line Cook Nation Merchandise go to linecookthoughts.com

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A podcast focusing on the everyday workers of the food service industry. I strive to promote cooks and other food service workers, and give an audio experience that help listeners relate to these stories. Send your stories to@linecookthoughts on Instagram.