Episode 165: The Shifting Hospitality Landscape with Zach Moquin

On this episode I chat with friend and colleague, Zach Moquin. We chat about getting a Masters in Hospitality, why that segment of the industry can be so rewarding and the shifting landscape within the hospitality sector. We also go over why inclusivity is so important in work, why culture does in fact matter and also why making reservations are so important. Feel free to reach out to Zach using the Instagram handle below or find him on LinkedIn. IG: @zac_moquin Line Cook Thoughts Merch and Blog: linecookthoughts.com Kettle Corn Kreations Website: kettlecornkreations.com

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A podcast focusing on the everyday workers of the food service industry. I strive to promote cooks and other food service workers, and give an audio experience that help listeners relate to these stories. Send your stories to@linecookthoughts on Instagram.