Joel Sardi (Disabled veteran who went viral on social media) | #55

Joel Sardi made a one-minute video on Facebook to tell his small audience about his experience with discrimination at a local restaurant. When he woke up it had been shared and viewed by millions! In this episode of ListenABLE, Joel recounts the whole incident, and we call the restaurant again to see whether they'd learnt anything from the experience. What happened when they picked up the phone? To find out, simply press the 'PLAY' button! Grab our first merch release at our website From Your Pocket Follow us on Instagram: @ListenABLE_ Podcast Watch this full interview with captions on our Youtube See for privacy information.

Om Podcasten

Challenge what you think it’s like to live with disability.  Hosts Dylan Alcott and Angus O’Loughlin speak to people living with disabilities about their lives and ask them the questions you thought were off-limits. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll learn something. This is a podcast for everyone - disabled or abled, and hopes to break down stigmas, change perceptions, and to challenge what you think it’s like to live with disability.