How far people are going to avoid having a child with Disability!

What if you could choose not to impart a hereditary condition to your newborn before they were born. Would you take that option? Pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT) is a technique used to test embryos for known genetic conditions or chromosomal abnormalities.  From physical health conditions all the way to mental health, Dylan and Angus are presented which two unique cases of a new IVF program called ‘Genomic Testing’ and the ethics around how far should you go when creating a "super baby" and the inherent ableism of the parents to create a "Healthy Baby". Angus also has an exciting family news himself he shares with you, the ListenABLE family! Link to VICE News Article: Join the 10,000+ legends on Instagram: @ListenABLE_ Podcast Grab our first merch release at our website From Your Pocket  See for privacy information.

Om Podcasten

Challenge what you think it’s like to live with disability.  Hosts Dylan Alcott and Angus O’Loughlin speak to people living with disabilities about their lives and ask them the questions you thought were off-limits. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll learn something. This is a podcast for everyone - disabled or abled, and hopes to break down stigmas, change perceptions, and to challenge what you think it’s like to live with disability.