PREMIUM PREVIEW: Mr. Beetle and the Heckler

This is a preview of a story exclusive to Little Stories Premium. Mr. Beetle's Wednesday night story times are more popular than ever. But lately, there has been a young bug who seems intent on stealing his well-earned spotlight. Will Mr. Beetle be able to wrest his own show away from this unruly character? To hear the full episode, you can sign up for Little Stories Premium by visiting Join Little Stories Premium to get more of the stories you love, ad-free listening, and access to Little Stories for Sleep, an exclusive bedtime podcast filled with sleepy stories! You can also purchase Little Stories Premium as a gift! Visit to learn more.

Om Podcasten

Little Stories for Tiny People features original stories the whole family will love. Filled with endearing characters and inventive story lines, LSFTP is sure to spark your child’s imagination and to delight the entire family. Lovingly crafted to appeal to all ages, LSFTP is perfect for car rides, bedtime, or any time! Little Stories Premium offers even more stories, an ad-free listening experience, and access to Little Stories for Sleep, an exclusive bedtime podcast. Visit to learn more.