The Two Under Two Phase

If you’re listening to this podcast, you’re probably in a phase where you feel surrounded by diapers, endlessly counting down to nap, and wondering if you’ll ever see a full night of sleep?! I get it! My two girls are 18 months apart, and oh man…there are still times I see that “2 Under 2” as a blur in my life.Today I’m sending you encouragement that you ARE doing a great job!! Listen to this episode for tips on how to care for yourself, how to manipulate naps (YES!), teach your toddler responsibility, and manage this season well.GET MY FREE BABY SLEEP COURSE!! 👉 Solve Your Baby's NightwakingsLooking for the right Sleep Training Course for your family? 👉 Take the quiz!

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Hey! I'm Becca Campbell, Your Pediatric Sleep Consultant. We make getting sleep help easy because you deserve to be a happy, healthy & well rested family. Join me here each week as we change the future of your family's sleep story for good!