J.R. Martinez: From Scars to Dancing with the Stars (ep. 670)

J.R. Martinez is an Army veteran, burn survivor, actor, New York Times best-selling author, and Dancing with the Stars champion, spreading a message of hope, resilience and optimism. Today, J.R. shares a story of pain, triumph, and the beauty of pushing forward. Hear the pivotal experiences that shaped his desire to become a cycle-breaker, what he learned while trapped inside a burning Humvee in Iraq, the process he went through to become grateful for his scars and how he rediscovered how to fulfill his purpose of serving others. My friends, this conversation reminds us that though our paths may differ and the challenges we face may be unique, each of us holds the incredible power to adapt and overcome. And reinforces that each scar, each struggle, and each victory is a steppingstone toward a fuller, more meaningful life.

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Expected to die, today he’s inspiring others to truly live. World-renowned inspirational speaker + national bestselling author John O’Leary wants to help you wake up from accidental living so you can do, be, achieve and impact more through your life. Every Monday, John shares a quick burst of inspiration to help start your week on fire. Every Thursday, John interviews an amazing guest on their story, successes, failures, lessons, and life to help you uncover tips to apply in yours.