The wright way with David Wright show 3

The Wright Way radio show on Almeria Radio with David Wright 107.5 FM.Here is show 3 replay.If you want more information or contact David Or Alejandro , just use our help page here.. Davids New Radio show every Sunday at 11.45 on Almeria Radio come take a look here.. can email David or Alejandro at the Station here..david@almeriaradio.live to us on Spotify here. a supporter of this podcast:

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Living In Spain , Stories, Information,tips and advice that will save you time, money and stress when Moving to Spain.David has been living and working in Spain for over 19 years and has been on the BBC, His own Show on Almeria Radio every Sunday and also a local guest expert on Channel 4s "A Place In The Spain". David now has 4 books out on Amazon and kindle all about living and working in Spain.In Theses podcasts David provides valuable information on what its really like Living and Working in Spain.Get help from my experts and professional's within 48 hours here, David here. #workinspainBecome a supporter of this podcast: