AI & Science, Innovation and Technology

Does academia lead and industry follow? Or are there breakthroughs made on both sides? How siloed is AI innovation? We discuss some of the Innovate UK initiatives to bridge industry and academia. Podcast guest:: Trias Gkikopoulos, Innovation Lead - Robotics & Artificial Intelligence at Innovate UK Podcast production by Podcast Host: Sean Riley Producer: Stacha Hicks If you want to get in touch with us here at the Living with AI Podcast, you can visit the TAS Hub web...

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This podcast digs into key issues that arise when building, operating, and using machines and apps that are powered by artificial intelligence. We look at industry, homes and cities. AI is increasingly being used to help optimise our lives, making software and machines faster, more precise, and generally easier to use. However, they also raise concerns when they fail, misuse our data, or are too complex for the users to understand their implications. Set up by the UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Hub this podcast brings in experts in the field from Industry & Academia to discuss Robots in Space, Driverless Cars, Autonomous Ships, Drones, Covid-19 Track & Trace and much more. If you have any questions or suggestions for future topics, please email us at - You can find out more on our website at #TASHub