The Power of the Network: Forwarding Freight and Delivering Relief with WCAworld CEO Dan March
Who powers the world's most powerful logistics network? That would be Dan March, CEO of WCAworld, the world's largest network of independent freight forwarders. But he doesn't do it alone, and it's the communal spirit shared by WCAworld's 10,841 member offices that helped the company form the WCA Foundation and ultimately send life-saving relief around the world, including to those affected by the Russia-Ukraine war. Tune in as Enrique and Maureen chat with Dan about his childhood pilot ambitions, what helped WCAworld grow, COVID pivots, network membership benefits, helping out in Ukraine, and more.Additional Links & Resources:Learn more about Logistics with Purpose: more about Vector Global Logistics: to Logistics with Purpose: episode was hosted by Enrique Alvarez and Maureen Woolschlager. For additional information, please visit our dedicated show page at: