:reclojure-org-squad (CALLIN CLOJURIANS 4 PROPOSALS)

🚨 CFP for www.reclojure.org is officially OPEN! To celebrate, a few members of the co-organizing squad have mobbed up to spill the beans about what this virtual online conference is all about. Learn the mysterious origin story of this epic online event. Is there an association with the London Clojurians Meetup group? Why is it virtual? Will it always be virtual? Wait, there’s a theme? What does “Clojure Growth” as a theme mean? Who are these keynoters? Why are these keynoters? Strap those earbuds in and hear the answers to these questions plus get a front row seat to hear about the manic behind the scenes processes: Chaos! Control! Clojure! Discord! Zoom! Oh my!! Finally, we reveal exactly who we want to hear from and what we hope to see in this year’s proposals. Relevant links: https://www.reclojure.org/ find link to sessionize here! https://twitter.com/reClojure Pawel: https://twitter.com/pawelceranka, https://www.nette.io/ Renzo @reborg Bruno @BrunoBonacci / https://github.com/BrunoBonacci

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