Ep. 13. The Art Of Tantra. How To Feel Alive And Fully Experience Pleasure, w/ Livia Lus

Sacred Sexuality is the art of using intimacy between humans and within yourself as a way of transcending in consciousness, liberating yourself from core wounds and conditioning and opening your heart fully to experience pleasure, bliss, ecstasy and joy in this life. This practice and exploration is what Livia dedicates herself to full-time. Livia is a Coach from the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality. She starts by telling us how her intuition guided her to come to Santa Teres...

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Welcome to "Love Is Our Nature" where we have thought-provoking conversations and explore ideas that will challenge conventional philosophy around Love, Life, Authenticity, Relationships, and Fulfillment. In every episode we examine the conventional paradigm and take a deep exploratory look at ideas that have the potential to make a profound difference in your fulfillment and quality of life.