Love It or Leave It - Leadership - In the Time of Coronavirus & Remote Working
In this solo episode Samantha talks about leadership awareness and what it takes to be a great, effective and authentic leader. This episode asks you to question your definition of leadership and what leadership means in these changing times. “How do I want people to believe in me and how do I want to be seen as a manager in the future?” - Samantha Timestamps 3.01 - The differences between leadership during Pre-Covid and Covid times 4.58 - What kind of leaders are you drawn to and why? 9.36 - What is your approach to language? 11.48 - How the Johari Window can help us learn about ourselves and how others perceive us 16.42 - Questioning how we listen as leaders 19.23 - How do we bring everything together and lead? 23.30 - Making creativity an everyday thing Resources: (books, products, websites, other podcasts) >>>Read Samantha Clarke’s book - Love It Or Leave It: How to Be Happy at Work Connect with Samantha Clarke: >>>Connect with Samantha Clarke on Instagram >>>Follow Samantha Clarke on Twitter >>>Find out all about Love It or Leave It