A Ye Olde Murderous Sex Scandal in Washington D.C.

An affair between a US District Attorney and a Congressman's wife results in a murder in broad daylight, only steps away from the White House. It's a ye olde star-spangled scandal, and the very first time the temporary insanity defense was used in court. Sources: Star Spangled Scandal: Sex, Murder and the Trial that Changed America by Chris DeRose Jealous Rage Vol 1 by R. Barri Flowers This Week's Episode Brought To You By: Blissy - Get better sleep now with Blissy and use LOVEMURDER to get an additional 30% off at blissy.com/LOVEMURDER Find LOVE MURDER online: Website: lovemurder.love Instagram: @lovemurderpod Twitter: @lovemurderpod Facebook: LoveMrdrPod TikTok: @LoveMurderPod Patreon: /LoveMurderPod Credits: Love Murder is hosted by Jessie Pray and Andie Cassette, researched and written by Jessie Pray, produced by Nathaniel Whittemore and edited by Kyle Barbour-Hoffman

Om Podcasten

Jessie Pray and Andie Cassette team up each week to tell stories of love and relationships gone fatally wrong. This show is all about seemingly normal people driven to terrible madness by passion and rage. Hang out with your new best friends each week to discover how someone can go from sweet to murderous in the blink of an eye, and to hear all the ways murder can give love a real bad name.