SANTA & JOHN CHURCHILL: Merry Christmas from Santa and Santa's Volunteers!

There's a wonderful organization in the Chicago area called Santa's Volunteers, who generously enable hundred of families (nearly 1000!) to celebrate the holidays with food, gifts, and the basic necessities of a cold mid-western winter. John Churchill is the chairman of the board, and he met with me at the Museum of Radio Broadcasting to tell me all about this amazing group of glad tidings. Another guy dropped in also - he was wearing a fuzzy red suit, trimmed in fur. He had a snowy white beard, rosy red cheeks, eyes that twinkled, and lots of ho ho holiday spirit! 4 of my kids joined us too - won't you? It's Christmas and we are feeling The Spirit here on LOVE SOMEONE with Delilah! Learn more about your ad-choices at

Om Podcasten

In a world that can feel divisive and bleak, it's easy to get caught up in feelings of hopelessness, but the beautiful, glorious, truth is this: LOVE NEVER FAILS. In the 40 years I’ve been on the airwaves, I’ve implored my listeners to LOVE SOMEONE; Family, friends, neighbors, community, the Lord, and themselves. I’m talking to guests with names you may know, and those you may not. They all have stories meant to inspire you! New episodes drop the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month!