TIM TEBOW: What love really is, the Night To Shine Foundation, and the movie "Run The Race".

Wow. Just wow. What a phenomenal human is Tim Tebow! He stepped onto a football field and stole our hearts several years ago, and continues to hold them in his strong, capable hands! Football star, baseball star, founder of the Night To Shine Foundation, and now teaming up with his brother Robby as executive producers of the movie, "Run The Race." I ran into Tim while we were both in New York, he promoting "Run The Race", and me talking about my book, One Heart At A Time.  He graciously sat down with me behind some pipe and drape to have a genuine heart to heart chat about what love really is. My favorite quote from the conversation, "The greatest form of love is to chose the best interest of another person and act on their behalf." Amen I'm so glad I get to share my chat and Tim's warrior heart with you! "Run the Race" is in theaters February 22nd! ~ Delilah Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

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In a world that can feel divisive and bleak, it's easy to get caught up in feelings of hopelessness, but the beautiful, glorious, truth is this: LOVE NEVER FAILS. In the 40 years I’ve been on the airwaves, I’ve implored my listeners to LOVE SOMEONE; Family, friends, neighbors, community, the Lord, and themselves. I’m talking to guests with names you may know, and those you may not. They all have stories meant to inspire you! New episodes drop the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month!