A Worshipping Church
Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 4:23-24We were created to worship God; it is life’s greatest privilege and supreme duty to worship Him. It is the act of worship, and coming together as a worshiping Church that transforms our lives from monotonous to momentous.First, we must understand the meaning of true worship.John 4:23-24 says, “But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”In this passage, Jesus explained to a Samaritan woman what worship is, and how it differs from the religion she was accustomed to.Adrian Rogers says, “We don’t have to have enthusiastic heresy, or lifeless orthodoxy. …It’ll be a great day in any church when you stop enduring religion and start enjoying true worship.”Worship is a response of gratitude to all that God has revealed Himself to be, through Jesus Christ.Second, we must understand the motive of true worship, and why God is seeking worshippers.We become like what we worship. This is why it’s important to know exactly who we are worshipping, because if we do not worship Almighty God, we will be susceptible to worship anything else.Not only does God seek worshippers for what it does for us, but also for what it does for Him. Our praise gives Him pleasure as our Father; He yearns for our devotion and our honor.Finally, we must understand the method of true worship: both in spirit and truth.When Jesus says to worship God in spirit, He is referring to our innermost being. If our spirit is dead or warped, we can’t truly worship. Our praise must come from an honest place.But we must also remember to worship in truth; our emotions cannot dictate our praise—there must be an intelligent worship.Adrian Rogers says, “Your worship will never rise higher than your knowledge of God.”Spirit and truth go together; we honor God by actively praising with our spirit and seeking truth in His Word.Apply it to your lifeThe ultimate privilege is to love God and worship Him in spirit and truth. Today, love Him passionately with all your heart, selflessly with all of your soul, and thoughtfully with your mind.