Every Christian an Evangelist

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Acts 8:26-39Every believer is called, ordained, equipped, and given opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Every Christian is called to be an evangelist. If you are not witnessing, you are disobeying God.In Acts 8, God used the Apostle Philip to share the Gospel with an Ethiopian man. There are three things in this chapter that help clarify our specific call to evangelism.First, we must be sensitive to the direction of the Spirit.“Now an angel of the Lord spoke to Philip, saying, ‘Arise and go toward the south along the road which goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.’ This is desert. So he arose and went…” (Acts 8:26-27). As we see in this passage, God’s Spirit finds sinners whose hearts are open to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He also works on soul-winners as well, prompting their hearts with the conviction to share. When the Holy Spirit leads, we must be prepared to listen and obey. God will lead us to someone who needs Jesus.Secondly, we must be swift for the demands of the Spirit.“Then the Spirit said to Philip, ‘Go near and overtake this chariot.’ So Philip ran to him...’” (Acts 8:29-30). Philip had to run to catch this Ethiopian man. Many of us can recount times when God has prompted our hearts with an opportunity to witness and we waited until it passed. May we be more like Philip, running to witness to others, not letting a single opportunity pass by.Finally, we must be steadfast in the desire of the Spirit, which is to share Jesus.“Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning at this Scripture, preached Jesus to him” (Acts 8:35). We are all sinners and need to be saved; if the Holy Spirit resides in us, we will have a desire for others to understand this and receive salvation.Adrian Rogers says, “What a privilege God has given to us—one that angels don’t have, one that we will not have in the world to come—to bring souls to Jesus Christ.”Apply it to your lifeAre you sensitive to the spirit, swift to obey, and desire to bring others to Jesus?Adrian Rogers says, “God did not save you to be a member of Christians Anonymous; you are to endeavor to bring others to Jesus Christ.”

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