Sharing the Light
Sermon OverviewScripture Reference: Acts 10:34Would you be prepared to share the light of the Gospel the moment someone asks about it?In Acts 10, Simon Peter was invited into the home of Cornelius, a Roman officer, to share his faith with him and his household.Acts 10:34-35 says, “Then Peter opened his mouth and said: ‘In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.’”Peter, a Jew, preached the message of salvation to the first Gentile, claiming that the door of salvation is wide: anyone who wants to enter may come. But the way is very narrow: Jesus is the only way to Heaven. If we are not saved by Jesus alone, we are not saved at all.The evidence of Jesus Christ has not changed over time. The same testimony Peter gave to Cornelius is our testimony today. Peter’s threefold testimony reveals how we can share the light of Jesus with others.First, Peter gave his personal witness account as a saint.Having walked with Jesus and witnessed Him firsthand, Peter had unmatched confidence in the virtuous life, vicarious death, and victorious resurrection of Christ.Adrian Rogers says, “A Christian with a glowing witness is worth a library full of arguments.”Peter’s second line of evidence was the prophetic witness of the Scriptures.Acts 10:43 says, “To Him all the prophets witness that, through His name, whoever believes in Him will receive remission of sins.”The Old Testament also bore witness that every prophecy about the Messiah—more than 300—was fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ. It is an absolute mathematical impossibility that these Scriptures could be fulfilled apart from divine inspiration and the deity of Jesus Christ.Finally, Peter had the persuasive witness of the Spirit.The Holy Spirit of God anointed Peter, so that his words would convince and convict Cornelius and his family.We are not waiting on the Holy Spirit—as Believers, God has already sent Him to strengthen and empower us to witness to others.Together, Peter’s personal witness, Scripture’s fulfilled prophecy, and the Spirit’s persuasion provoked the Gentile Pentecost, proclaiming that the Gospel was for everyone, even us!Apply it to your lifeAre you confident to share what Jesus Christ has done in your life? Have you asked God to anoint you with His Spirit, so that He may convict others through your testimony?