The Strange Mystery of the Precious Pearl

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 13:45Jesus taught us profound, heavenly lessons in the most practical parables. However, despite its simplicity, the strange mystery of the precious pearl is often misinterpreted by the most devoted believers.Jesus said in Matthew 13:45-46, “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.”Some may think the merchant of the story is the lost sinner seeking the Lord Jesus. But this isn’t so—a sinner cannot initiate the search for God unless God has first initiated that desire in him.Ever since the beginning of time, God has been seeking Man.Adrian Rogers says, “If you sought Him, it was because He first sought you.”The bankrupt sinner cannot buy Christ; even if he had anything to buy Him with, Jesus Christ is not for sale.Salvation cannot be bought or earned. Therefore, the pearl of great price is not Jesus.The pearl is the Church, and the merchant is the Lord Jesus, who purchased the Church with His own precious blood.Much like a pearl is formed in the deep—grown through impurity, dirt, grit, and irritation—the Church has gone from depth to height, from guilt to glory. To divide it is to destroy it. Christ’s Bride is one Church without spot, wrinkle, or any blemish whatsoever.The merchant sold everything He had to buy this pearl. He sought it out, and considered it beautiful; to him, it was worth every penny.Adrian Rogers says, “God doesn’t love us because we’re valuable; we’re valuable because He loves us.”Jesus Christ stepped out of glory and into time to pay the price for us. He suffered and died, purchasing us with His own blood. He knew the cost—at every turn of His life, He was reminded of the suffering He would face—yet He paid it anyway.God loves us and greatly desires us. We are sinners, and on our own, we are helpless to save ourselves. But Jesus Christ is the answer. He covered us with His own grace and made us something beautiful.Apply it to your lifeDo you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, who paid a great price to have you and keep you? Thank Him for His sacrifice and praise Him for the salvation He’s freely given.

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