The Strange Mystery of the Sneaky Housewife

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 13:33The Parable of the Unleavened Bread is one of Jesus’ most misunderstood parables; if we read it incorrectly, we may find ourselves discouraged by it. This parable does not teach that the Gospel will permeate the whole world; in fact, Christians are considered a faithful few.Adrian Rogers says, “The Gospel was never given to save civilization from wreckage, the Gospel is given to save Man from the wreckage of civilization.”Rather, this parable warns us about the devil’s deception in the Last Days, and what we can do to protect the true Bride of Christ.Jesus said in Matthew 13:33, “The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till it was all leavened.”The mention of three measures of meal takes us back to the Old Testament, in the days of Abraham and Sarah (see Genesis 18:6) and Gideon (see Judges 6:19).This custom of baking bread for guests is something that satisfies the heart and mind of God because it speaks of communion and fellowship. We, the Church, are the bread—mingled together, being brought through the fire as one loaf.Leaven works quietly, undetected—yet it causes fermentation and corruption. In the Bible, unleavened bread stands for sincerity and truth, while leavened bread speaks of malice and wickedness.Jesus compares the legalism of the Pharisees and the liberalism of the Sadducees to leaven. He also compares Herod’s love of pleasure to leaven because he valued pleasure over God. (See Mark 8:15.)We must be sure to purge the leaven out of the Church because a little bit of it leavens the whole lump. The sneaky housewife in this passage represents devilish, deliberate, deception.If the Church is the Bride of Christ, this woman represents the bride of the devil, which is the false church. She represents Satan’s work in the Last Days, infiltrating the Church with legalism, liberalism, and love of self.Understanding the parable this way, we can combat false expectations and discouragement. God, who teaches us these things, has built the true Church, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it.Apply it to your lifeAre you aware of the leaven of legalism, liberalism, and love of self? Purge your own life of these things. Praise God for the true Church, and the fact that He will protect her in these last days.

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