Feeding the machine: the hidden human labour powering AI

Contributor(s): Dr Callum Cant, Dr James Muldoon, Professor Kirsten Sehnbruch | Conversations around AI tend to focus on the future dangers, but what about the damage AI is inflicting on people right now? AI promises to transform everything, from work to transport to war, and to solve our problems with total ease. But hidden beneath this smooth surface lies the grim reality of a precarious global workforce of millions that labour under often appalling conditions to make AI possible. Feeding the Machine presents an urgent investigation of the intricate network of organisations that maintain this exploitative system, revealing the untold truth of AI. Authors Callum Cant and James Muldoon will be joined by Kirsten Sehnbruch to discuss the impact of AI on global inequalities, and what we need to do, individually and collectively, to fight for a more just digital future.

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