Global Trends in Climate Litigation

Contributor(s): Lord Carnwath, Dr Joana Setzer, Dr Roda Verheyen, Kate Higham, Mark Odaga, Ana Carolina Haliuc, Anne Corrigan, Michael Burger | This annual report – which has been published regularly since 2017 – provides an overview of the state of the art of climate litigation and highlights recent developments and recommendations for action. The event begins with a short presentation from authors Joana Setzer and Catherine Higham on the findings of the Grantham Research Institute’s 2022 Global Trends in Climate Change Litigation Policy Report. The presentation is followed by a panel discussion, with five distinguished experts in the field. Panellists react to the report and to draw out key aspects from their own experience in the field. The report is based on data in the Climate Change Laws of the World database which has a user base of nearly 200,000 users a year. Users include policy-makers from national legislatures, environment ministries, and central banks among many others.

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