Enhancing the effectiveness of large group teaching with Professor Chris Jones

In this episode Karishma Patel is joined by Professor Chris Jones from the Economics, Finance and Entrepreneurship department at Aston University who shares insights from his experiences of large group teaching. Chris discusses some of the challenges that may be associated with teaching large class sizes, and suggests ways in which we can increase engagement in the classroom. Chris also shares some valuable advice for junior colleagues who may be entering the classroom for the first time. For further insight, refer to 'Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Perspectives from a Business School' (2019).

Om Podcasten

Within the Economics and International Business department at Aston University, many of our academics have a strong interest in teaching and learning. We therefore created this podcast with an aim to share insight, innovations, and best practice among the department, as well to a wider audience. The podcast is led by Dr Karishma Patel, a Teaching Fellow in Economics at Aston University. In each episode, we invite members of the department to have a conversation about a topic which they are interested in. We also invite guest speakers to share their insights with us.