Episode 262 - Introduction to Luke21 Radio

Our first episode of Luke21 Radio aired in 2016. We’re sharing it again this week as a reminder of why Steve started this show. Whether you have been around since the beginning or jumped in just now, we encourage you to listen today. --- What is Luke21Radio? Host Steve Wood introduces what it is and why he decided to launch this broadcast. Some background: Steve has studied biblical prophecy for four decades, and during his years as an Evangelical teacher and pastor, he made a long pilgrimage through all of the major schools of prophecy before finally adopting St. Augustine’s views. Therefore, he knows each of the major non-Catholic interpretations of biblical prophecy with an insider’s viewpoint, and considers it a privilege and delight to share what he has learned with all of you.

Om Podcasten

Luke21 is a video and audio podcast that features Catholic biblical prophecy taught in the tradition of St. Augustine with host Steve Wood. Learn more about what the Bible has to say about biblical prophecy and the end times at Luke21.com.