The Hot Audio Erotica Episode with CERA GIBSON

Ooooohh yeah daddy, just like that! This week on Luvbites, we are discussing the orgasmic world of audio porn with Cera Gibson! Open those ears and immerse yourself into the erotic as Dr. Tara explores tips for turning on your partner with dirty talk, and erotic language. In contrast, discussing the pitfalls of the patriarchy and how masculinity can be sexy and not toxic. Who knew?! Cera Gibson is a widespread audio porn content creator, comedian, and singer-songwriter known for her songs like Daddy, Sad Bitch, and Mad Dog. Links: Follow Cera Gibson V - A One-Stop Shop for Feminine Wellness https://queenvlife.comMy E-Book “30 Days to My Best Sexy Self: A Sexual Mindfulness Journal” Podcasts: this episode: Audio EroticaPolyamouryCompersionHot MonogamyDaddy KinksToxic MasculinityThe Patriarchy Audio Porn

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I’m Dr. Tara, and my mission is to spread sex positivity in a world filled with sexual shame. I’m here to take you on a journey of sexual exploration and self-empowerment. Every episode is an unapologetic conversation about sex, love, and relationship with my awesome guests answering outrageous, kinky, and real sex and dating questions from my followers. Please rate and share the podcast if you luv it. Have an orgasmic day! Click the link here to ask Dr. Tara a question and get featured on the Podcast!