ICLR 2020: Yann LeCun and Energy-Based Models

This week Connor Shorten, Yannic Kilcher and Tim Scarfe reacted to Yann LeCun's keynote speech at this year's ICLR conference which just passed. ICLR is the number two ML conference and was completely open this year, with all the sessions publicly accessible via the internet. Yann spent most of his talk speaking about self-supervised learning, Energy-based models (EBMs) and manifold learning. Don't worry if you hadn't heard of EBMs before, neither had we! Thanks for watching! Please Subscribe! Paper Links: ICLR 2020 Keynote Talk: https://iclr.cc/virtual_2020/speaker_7.html A Tutorial on Energy-Based Learning: http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/publis/pdf/lecun-06.pdf Concept Learning with Energy-Based Models (Yannic's Explanation): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cs_j-oNwGgg Concept Learning with Energy-Based Models (Paper): https://arxiv.org/pdf/1811.02486.pdf Concept Learning with Energy-Based Models (OpenAI Blog Post): https://openai.com/blog/learning-concepts-with-energy-functions/ #deeplearning #machinelearning #iclr #iclr2020 #yannlecun

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