Ep. 249: Mark Rzepczynski on Wicked Markets and Understanding Risk
Mark Rzepczynski is the managing member and CEO of AMPHI Research and Trading, a consulting firm to institutional investors and hedge funds on derivatives markets across all asset classes. His 40 years of experience includes CEO Funds Group of FourWinds Capital Management, president, CIO of John W. Henry Inc, and head of taxable fixed income research at Fidelity Management and Research. He was assistant professor of finance at the University of Houston and is an associate editor of the Journal of Alternative Investments. In this podcast we discuss systematic vs discretionary trading, risk vs uncertainty, challenges of trading models, and much more. Follow us here for more amazing insights: https://macrohive.com/home-prime/ https://twitter.com/Macro_Hive https://www.linkedin.com/company/macro-hive