mad decent worldwide radio # 5 - new orleans aint dead, its just got a limp

Theres not  place in America more strange than New Orleans, Louisiana, If it was mad before the storm but now its just plane insane.. but in a good way.  if you travel here from the outside, its gonna seem like  whole nother country. And as far as music goes (in case you didnt know) . . the mississippi delta is the birthplace of most types of modern american music.  Hip hop mighta been born in the bronx, but then it was reinvented in New Orleans.. the krunk we get today playlisted all over the country might have Atlanta in a headlock, but the blueprint was laid out in New Orleans.. Its origins are in bounce music and its still there; its actually having a rejuvenation since there little more to look forward to besides dancing these days. anyway i never felt more affection for an city like I got it for new orleans, and even though some parts still looks like a nuclear bomb got dropped, its got all the character that you can expect with a city so rich in culture and history partners in crime - block party da sha ra - bootin up dj jubilee - monkey on the stick triggerman - drag rap chris gotti - cut it up 5th ward weebie - f**k katrina mary j blige - without you (new orleans remix) toni braxton - please (remix) tpain - im in love with a stripper (remix) dj jimmy - where they at girl hot boy ronald - walk like ronald rebirth brass band ft souljah slim - you dont want to go to war

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NPR for the streets, hear what kids are doin and where its goin down and listen to the latest music that might not even make it out of the neighborhood. Diplo and team host this show - mixes and culture to get up on This radio is going to be published on the road from Philadelphia to New Orleans, From Rio onto Moscow and we are even f@*#in with like Ayers Rock and Angola..., theres no place that doesnt have its own thing poppin off.. mad decent radio is a place to find whats not on the regular routes of distrobution its a peoples radio type thing.....