#131 State of the Italian Tech Ecosystem in 2023 with Amy O'Brien, Reporter at Sifted
We invited the Sifted reporter Amy O’Brien who covers fintech and Italian tech to give us an update on the status of the Italian Tech Ecosystem in 2023. I’m sure lots of you have read her articles and if you were present at Italian Tech Week in Turin you might have even seen her moderate a few panels.Today we discussed the funding trends in Italy, the challenges and struggles faced by Italian startups, and the promising sectors in the country. Amy shares her takeaways from Italian Tech Week and highlights the strong presence of Italian founders in the fintech sector. We also discuss the landscape of VC funds in Italy and the cultural factors that have affected the growth of the tech space. SPONSORS Made IT è powered by Alchimia, società di investimento che opera principalmente nel settore del Venture Capital. Investono e co-investono in opportunità ad alto potenziale di crescita, offrendo capitale e risorse strategiche e operative dedicate. SOCIAL MEDIA Se vi piace il podcast, il modo migliore per dircelo o per darci un feedback (e quello che ci aiuta di più a farlo diffondere) è semplicemente lasciare una recensione a 5 stelle o un commento su Spotify o l'app di Apple Podcast. Ci ha aiuta davvero tantissimo, quindi non esitate :) Se volete farci delle domande o seguirci, potete farlo qui: Instagram @madeit.podcast LinkedIn @madeitpodcast