One key "word" Founders Must Avoid

We all use this word. Every day. In many different contexts. It exists for a reason but in the wrong context, especially for founders, marketers or people thinking big and trying to make a difference, this one word is not your friend. As a matter of fact, this word = ambiguity and ambiguity = lack of action and lack of action means you're not moving forward. Here's one word we need to banish if we're serious about our dreams and here are my tips and stories about how I'm actually changing my vocabulary to reduce my use of this word and power through with what I need to get done. Can you guess what it is? mad mork

Om Podcasten

Hi everyone! I'm Patrick 'Mad' Mork, founder of Mad Mork Stories and Startup CEO Coach. I'm a 3 time Chief Marketing officer, former global head of marketing for Google play and 25 year marketing veteran. mad mork stories is all about the world of marketing, tech, startups and careers. In this podcast you can expect to hear: - Interviews with tech founders, CEO's and top CMO's - Marketing best practices - How to build and drive your Vision, Culture and teams - Mixing all this up to create a cocktail for your ideal career! and a whole lot more