The Art of Staying Motivated

Why does motivation matter? How does it affect us when we have lots of it or when we run out? Motivation is a huge factor that determines our success. It can enable us to achieve the impossible and achieve our dreams. In this podcast I discuss why motivation matters, particularly for entrepreneurs and founders and I also share my own tips and tricks on staying motivated. madmork's tips are tried and tested tactics I've learned, tested and applied over the past 2 decades of my own career across both fortune 500 companies like Pepsi and Google as well as with startups right here in Silicon Valley. Successful people all seem amazing at staying motivated but the reality is they all struggle just like the rest of us. The difference? The tricks they use and the people they surround themselves with! If you're a senior marketing executive interested in coaching, check out my blog at and www. Stay motivated!

Om Podcasten

Hi everyone! I'm Patrick 'Mad' Mork, founder of Mad Mork Stories and Startup CEO Coach. I'm a 3 time Chief Marketing officer, former global head of marketing for Google play and 25 year marketing veteran. mad mork stories is all about the world of marketing, tech, startups and careers. In this podcast you can expect to hear: - Interviews with tech founders, CEO's and top CMO's - Marketing best practices - How to build and drive your Vision, Culture and teams - Mixing all this up to create a cocktail for your ideal career! and a whole lot more