09 First time modelling in your 40s with Rachel Peru
Meet the very lovely Rachel Peru who's gone from nursery school teacher to successful curve and silver-haired model in her 40s. Rachel is waving the flag for older, more diverse women in the media.
We talk about:
- How the decision to go grey kick-started Rachel’s modelling career
- The stigma that still remains about older women going grey
- How she never would have had the confidence to do what she does now when younger
- The importance of being body positive as we age
- The pressures on younger women in terms of looks
- How things are changing when it comes to talking about menopause
- How Rachel controls the anxiety that has come on especially when travelling to modelling jobs
- The importance of getting exercise outside
- How words are powerful and what we say to ourselves matters
- Rachel’s first front cover for Goldie magazine
- How beauty is about confidence
- Rachel’s own Out of the bubble podcast
- How to not feel invisible
- How reinvention can help bring energy in midlife and beyond
- How Rachel nearly had a breast reduction because of lack of confidence
And lots more!
You can find out more about Rachel on her website and follow her on Instagram
This podcast is an extract from a longer video interview available in our Members Club. That’s where you’ll get the support, strategies and connection you need to really make midlife and beyond magnificent.
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