Chad Fowler - How Small Can We Make This Problem

Robby has a candid chat with Chad Fowler, the General Partner & CTO at BlueYard Capital, about the importance of building software in small, manageable pieces to facilitate easy updates or replacements, the counterintuitive perspective on unit testing's impact on maintainability, strategies for keeping software up-to-date by redeploying to new platforms, and so much more.

Om Podcasten

Do you feel like you're hitting a wall with your existing software projects? Are you curious to hear how other people are navigating this? You're not alone. On the Maintainable Software Podcast, Robby speaks with seasoned practitioners who have overcome the technical and cultural problems often associated with software development. Our guests will share stories in each episode and outline tangible, real-world approaches to software challenges. In turn, you'll uncover new ways of thinking about how to improve your software project's maintainability.