Are Video Ads The Future of Digital Advertising With Chris Knudson and Dan Bischoff
This episode features Chris Knudsen and Dan Bishoff, two of the members of the founding team at Purple Mattress where they took the company from a Kickstarter campaign to a public company with $700 million/year in revenue in just four years. These days, they run Stoic Yeti, which is considered the leading direct-to-consumer agency, with a focus on paid ads. They have generated over $2B+ in DTC revenue, for brands like Casper and Harley-Davidson.Chris and Dan share why they believe video ads are the future of digital advertising. They discuss video production, what kind of video ads should people be considering creating, and doing video testing.Both of them give a piece of actionable advice to a business owner on how to immediately create and test some video ads. Listen as they share their story of transitioning from Purple Mattress to Stoic Yeti.Episode Action Items:To find more information about Stoic Yeti, go to www.stoicyeti.comABOUT THE HOST:Andy Splichal is the World's Foremost Expert on Ecommerce Growth Strategies. He is the acclaimed author of the Make Each Click Count Book Series, the Founder & Managing Partner of True Online Presence, and the Founder of Make Each Click Count University. Andy was named to The Best of Los Angeles Award's Most Fascinating 100 List in both 2020 and 2021.New episodes of the Make Each Click Count Podcast, are released each Friday and can be found on Apple Podcast, iHeart Radio, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts and