How To Setup & Optimize Google Ads Like An Expert with Mark Meyerson
This episode features Mark Meyerson, the director and the head of Search Marketing at One Egg Digital. He has over 13 years of experience in the marketing industry, specializing in Paid Search & Analytics.Learn from Mark as he discusses advertising on Google and the importance of running properly set up and optimizing Google ads to get traffic.Mark shares some of the key mistakes he sees when people run Google ads and how they can avoid those.Find out more about Mark's course, what people can gain from taking this course, and who should take it. Know the advantage of taking a paid course versus trying to educate yourself through the free Google videos.Mark gives advice to those who are just starting a business and looking to drive traffic through Google ads as opposed to somebody who's more established.Episode Action Items:To find more information about Mark, go to:LinkedInbymarketers.coABOUT THE HOST:Andy Splichal is the World's Foremost Expert on Ecommerce Growth Strategies. He is the acclaimed author of the Make Each Click Count Book Series, the Founder & Managing Partner of True Online Presence, and the Founder of Make Each Click Count University. Andy was named to The Best of Los Angeles Award's Most Fascinating 100 List in both 2020 and 2021.New episodes of the Make Each Click Count Podcast, are released each Friday and can be found on Apple Podcast, iHeart Radio, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts and