012: The Side Hustle, Monetising When You're Ready, & Making A Killer Impression Online with Kayla Hollatz

In this episode of Make It Happen, Jen is joined by Kayla Hollatz of kaylahollatz.com and together they talk about Kayla’s journey so far, managing a side hustle alongside a day job, monetising when you feel ready, and how to make a killer first impression online. This is a great episode for anyone who is looking to take the leap into monetising their online space, and for anyone who is balancing their online presence alongside a day job too.

Om Podcasten

Make It Happen is a podcast for big-hearted creatives who are ready to build an impactful, fulfilling, and sustainable creative life. Brought to you by Jen Carrington, a creative coach, this podcast is for you if you're ready to make things happen in your creative work and life on your own terms, in your own way, and by your own rules every step of the way.