Being A Good Business Partner With Brian Littlefield #MakingBank #S7E13
Welcome back to Making Bank. On today’s episode, we have Brian Littlefield, Co-Founder of Jocko Fuel, energy drinks with clean and natural ingredients. If you've ever had a business partner or working with a partner in your business now, Brian shares how to level up your business to grow it with a partner. Brian’s company Jocko Fuel is not getting worldwide recognition for its all-natural ingredients in energy drinks. He shares his journey as an entrepreneur and how he started Jocko Fuel as well. Enjoy the episode. 2:37 - Starting Off As An Entrepreneur Brian got my inspiration for entrepreneurship from his dad and his work ethic from his mother. While he didn’t grow up in a rich or affluent family, he always had the desire to grow and be successful. He lost his path along the way and lost focus on his priorities. Soon he gained so much weight that he was regularly in the hospital and hit a breaking point. That’s when he discovered the idea for Jocko. 10:20 - Clean Products For Optimal Health It is so important to consider what you are putting into your body. So many health supplements out there in the market today have a few healthy ingredients and then many chemicals that are really questionable. There are no cutting corners and shortcuts in health. Make sure that the supplements you use are healthy and clean. 14:50 - Navigating THrough Challenges Of Business Growth The key is to be able to help solve a problem for consumers. Many people would like to live a healthy lifestyle if they had it more accessible to them. Today toxic options are so much more convenient and affordable than healthy options and if we can be competitive with that, then more people will choose healthy options in the market. 19:50 - Taking Feedback From Your Customers Always listen to what your critiques have to say. Many times they will be your biggest cheerleaders and advisors that will give you the insight that you need to level up and take your business to the next level both in terms of products and sales. Links Mentioned: