Summer's Story - Widow

Summer is our guest for this week's episode.  Summer's husband was snowmobiling, which he had been doing his whole life, when he was caught in an avalanche that took his life.  Summer walks us through that horrific day while describing her thoughts and feelings when she found out what had happened. Summer lost her husband, and her 3 young children lost their father that day.  Because of the circumstances, Summer turned something horrific into helping others with education, resources and the correct gear to use and wear while snowmobiling.  She started a non-profit called the Adam Anderson Avalanche Project, where all proceeds will be used to provide free rentals of avalanche preparedness kits to snowmobilers in Island Park, Idaho.  You can find out more information here: recently Summer has started a podcast called, Find Me in the Daisies.  It is a podcast about finding joy in the journey.  We love that we get to share a small part of Summer and her story with all of you.  She is an incredible woman who is doing amazing things in spite of what lemons life has thrown her.  Make sure to check out her podcast and leave a sweet comment for Summer!Support the Show.

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Life sure knows how to hand us lemons, what we do with them can affect the outcome of our lives. Whit + Kels have been handed their fair share of lemons, and are doing the best to make lemonade out of it. in 2017 they both lost a child, while navigating grief and loss, they became friends and want to help others along the way. They will be sharing their journeys, as well as interviewing many others who have gone through the trenches, and figured out how to get up on the other side!