Syna's Story - Infertility + Adoption

Our guest on this weeks episode is Syna.  Syna tells us about her and her husbands journey through infertility and what eventually led them to the adoption of their son Mika.  She talks about the dead ends that they had to push through for Mika.  After adopting Mika and feeling like life couldn't get any better, Mika contracted botulism.  Syna does such a great job at telling her story and we are excited to share it with all of you.Syna, her husband Joel, and Mika are looking to grow their family.  They are hoping to adopt again.  You can find out more about their journey through the links below.Adoption Page  Instagram the Show.

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Life sure knows how to hand us lemons, what we do with them can affect the outcome of our lives. Whit + Kels have been handed their fair share of lemons, and are doing the best to make lemonade out of it. in 2017 they both lost a child, while navigating grief and loss, they became friends and want to help others along the way. They will be sharing their journeys, as well as interviewing many others who have gone through the trenches, and figured out how to get up on the other side!