Dr. Jenn Mann Tells Us We Need A Time Out

Raising and disciplining a kid can be a stressor on a relationship. But it’s part of the parenting job so how do you deal with it? Enter best-selling author and therapist Dr. Jenn Mann. She covers the bases of some do’s and don’ts. She even mentions that time outs aren’t something that she thinks works on kids but they can and do work for adults.  GenuCell The Genucel Jawline Treatment is your for free when you order the classic Genucel Plant Stem Cell therapy. Go to GenuCell.com or text MAMA to 7-7-4-5-3 to order now Dole Check out Dole Crafted Smoothie Blends. Find them in the frozen aisle. True Car For a better way to sell or trade-in your car check out True Car 

Om Podcasten

Actress Jamie-Lynn is teaming up with musician Jenna to talk about the hard subjects, embarrassing moments, and sticky situations we all face as parents! Jamie-Lynn manages being a mom to 2 boys while traveling and working. She's been through it all and is here to help. Jenna is a stay-at-home mom of 2 and uses her research of all things mommy to share her best tips and tricks! Welcome to a safe place to confess your worst mommy sins, realize you're not alone, and make you feel like you're killing the mommy game!