MSG002: Business Jargon (Josh Li)

Behold the delicious MSG we've prepared for you today! 1. 领导 (lǐng dǎo) Leader / big boss 2. 创新 (chuàng xīn) Innovation 3. 突破 (tū pò) Breakthrough 4. 汇报 (huì bào) Report (to a superior) A: 李总李总,我们对一下我的方案吧。 B: 你的方案有问题。不够创新。 A: 啊?什么意思?B: 就是没有突破,格局不够大。 A: 好吧。那我重改。 B: 快点吧。下午要给领导汇报哦! Curious about Josh’s company, WE Marketing? Check check check it out: Want more MSG? Come get some! MSG is bringing you the delicious Chinese learning content that you need. Likes, subscribes, comments, and ratings help ensure that I'll be able to keep doing it! Thanks. I love you, no matter what Eric says.

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Mandarin Slang Guide, MSG: the Chinese podcast that tastes great and probably isn't all that bad for you! Got questions? Got some slang you want us to talk about? Got a guest recommendation? I'll trust that you know what to do with this: