Demetra Penner on Connecting to Earth Mother and Unblocking Financial Abundance

episode 40


Today I’m chatting with Demetra Penner, creator of all potions for Sweet Spirit Apothecary, plant medicine expert, musician, mystical spiritual goddess and I love this conversation so, so much. Her words were and are like medicine to me.

To be perfectly honest, I wasn’t going to air this episode until June, we recorded it less than a week ago. When I made the decision to go down to one episode per week, I sat with the decision for a few days before sharing it with you and during that time I did some inner work. I know that when I am out of alignment my masculine energy becomes more prominent and it was this conversation with Demetra that helped me really realized that. It felt like she was sent straight from Spirit to me in the very right moment. So I had to air it right away because the words she shares today spoke straight to my heart, like medicine for my soul.

She shares about her life in her little cabin in the forest on the lake and how she and her finance found themselves living surrounded by nature, she talks about her life as a Spiritual woman and about how she’s been different from the moment she was born, she talks about plant medicine and how plants are aligned with our chakras, she talks about being so immersed in the Feminine as an eternal creator and at the end we talk about money – blocks around money, the energy exchange of money and how we both view money so differently now than we used to.

And she’s also doing a giveaway!

Demetra is so kind to share a $100 Sweet Spirit Apothecary giftcard to one lucky listener.

To enter...
Follow me on Instagram @_ashleywood
Follow Demetra on Instagram @sweetspiritapothecary
And subscribe, rate and review this show on iTunes (has to be on iTunes) and send me a screenshot of the review to

I’ll choose a winner at random on Wednesday, May 23, 2018.


  • how Demetra found herself living in a cabin in the forest on a lake
  • how she knew she was different from others around her from the start
  • how Demetra views life
  • the importance of nature to Demetra
  • how she started making plant medicine
  • essential oils
  • the similarities between our bodies, the chakras and plants
  • how Mother Earth blesses us with her abundance in plants
  • why Demetra is choosing to keep her business small
  • how manifestations never end and that as humans we are constantly creating
  • our society’s relationship with money
  • money, blockages, misunderstandings and resolutions 


Sweet Spirit Apothecary
Demetra on Instagram
"Wild Speak" by Demetra Penner


Om Podcasten

A Line Within presents MANIFEST THIS, a podcast that provides you with tools and support to trust your inner guidance and activate your limitless potential. Through her channeling, Ashley Wood, your host, founder of A Line Within, and the leading voice of the Akashic Records, discovered that within each of us is an energetic line connecting us to the same realm as our Akashic Record. Living in the space of The Line means accessing the infinite wisdom of your soul whenever you need to show up as your highest self. If you’re inspired by what you’ve heard on the show, please leave a review, subscribe and share MANIFEST THIS with a friend. Connect with fans of the show on the MANIFEST THIS Soul Circle Facebook group.