Love Yourself First with Mark Groves
episode 131
When I shared on IG that Mark was coming on the podcast today, my followers got excited. Really excited! Probably more excited than they have for any guest before so I hope that you feel the same! This conversation takes an interesting twist when I ask Mark about his current relationship and he tells me that it recently ended. This chat will serve anyone listening but if you’re recovering from heartbreak, you’ll find this episode especially inspiring.
Mark Groves is a Human Connection Specialist and Speaker whose purpose is to help individuals and companies step into their most authentic, effective, loving selves by way of his bold, no-BS relationship guidance.
self-abandonment to adapt to a relationship
the healing Mark is experiencing from his recent break up
taking responsibility for your language
rapid healing vs. feeding your pain
how responding to the messages from the Line is a practice
allowing yourself to sit in darkness to allow the light in
soul mates and twin flames