The Akashic Records on Manifestation

episode 94

What a week, this past new moon hit me like a ton of bricks, challenging me, unleveling me and transforming me and because of that, I went into my own Records a few times and asked for some advice. In this episode, I share what I learned.

In This Episode I Discuss…

  • Illuminate, our new program
  • intuitive eating, Inner Knowing and The Pinnacle
  • will I ever teach you how to read the Akashic Records?
  • the shadow side of having an expander
  • manifestation advice from The Pinnacle
  • a shadow I discovered and healed about myself this past week 

Show Notes

Om Podcasten

A Line Within presents MANIFEST THIS, a podcast that provides you with tools and support to trust your inner guidance and activate your limitless potential. Through her channeling, Ashley Wood, your host, founder of A Line Within, and the leading voice of the Akashic Records, discovered that within each of us is an energetic line connecting us to the same realm as our Akashic Record. Living in the space of The Line means accessing the infinite wisdom of your soul whenever you need to show up as your highest self. If you’re inspired by what you’ve heard on the show, please leave a review, subscribe and share MANIFEST THIS with a friend. Connect with fans of the show on the MANIFEST THIS Soul Circle Facebook group.