Raghuvansham - Part 11/11 - Raja Agnivarna

Namaskar. We come to the final episode of our Raghuvansham series of stories. We explore the life of the son of Raja Sudarshan, Raja Agnivarna. Raja Agnivarna was an indulgent king who was attracted to leisure, art, and music. While he wasn't the most meritorious in nature, the dynasty overall was blessed with greatness and thereby the kingdom still prospered under him. Even after his death, Raghuvansham continued and had several great kings that followed who have an honorary mention in this final episode of the series.

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My father, Sudheer Balkrishna Mahajani, is an avid reader of Marathi and Sanksrit literature, has studied various works on Hindu mythology, and is well renowned in his family and friends for his knack of story telling. This podcast brings a collection of stories that I and many in our extended family have relished in our childhoods and continue enjoying even till date!